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Messages - MR

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General Discussion / Re: Avatars on this MB
« on: 15 November, 2021, 11:44:10 AM »
Just reading Lee's instructions for changing profiles again and noticed "birth date" in the list of things that can be changed - so I tried it again because we'd previously discussed and found it to be not updateable (if that's a word!). And I'm here to tell ya that it's STILL not updateable!!!
I'm gonna dig around the avatars in the hopefully near future to see if I can find something new because Covid has made a complete mess of the Vung Tau Hash House Harriers as local social distancing rules have been relaxed to allow people to exercise once again (after five months of not being allowed outside), but don't permit more than 2 people to exercise together, and many stalwarts have left for greener pastures, so we're not likely to start again anytime soon - and to be honest, I'm more into helping Sunny with her homework now than running around the local mountains and then trying to drink the bar dry! So I'll hopefully find an avatar that looks as old as me but has a far more mature outlook on life!  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion / Re: 208 Then & Now
« on: 15 November, 2021, 11:16:44 AM »
Just updating my original request to now thank Lee for coming to the aid of the party so quickly to update my "208 Then & Now" entry.  Cảm ơn rât nhiều! (google it...)

General Discussion / Re: Kop that, Fergie!
« on: 15 November, 2021, 11:08:25 AM »
It's probably contrary to recognised social media "etiquette" (if there's any such thing with social media!) to reply to one's own emails, but this and another post are sitting there with big fat zeros in the "reply" column so that will now change henceforth!
On the same topic (football), I've gotta say I'm no longer much of a fan since the big money took over. If Stevie Gerrard eventually finds his way back to Anfield in his new capacity as a manager, and then starts promoting local lads from the academy, I might get interested again, win or lose - but I just can't get excited about players who couldn't even find their own way to the Pier Head and are far more interested in owning the latest, fastest Italian or German motor car in town than even bothering to learn about Scouse culture (how's that for an oxymoron!).

General Discussion / Re: Familiarization
« on: 15 November, 2021, 10:57:47 AM »
Just wondered why the field for "last post" against this one was empty, so let's see if anything changes when I hit "post".

General Discussion / Re: Windows 11
« on: 15 November, 2021, 10:53:52 AM »
Thanks - I've always tried to avoid being a guinea pig and have a seppo 'acquaintance' (used to call him a mate until the 'Trump effect' came into play) who will sit there all day long, according to his VN partner who occasionally seeks Linh's advice on how to manage relationships with foreigners(!), pulling apart all manner of operating systems to find out how they work and, better still, warning me about any specific issues he finds along the way. He's just starting on W11 as we speak, so between his advice and yours, it sounds like we'll be on W10 with both laptops for some time yet - ho hum!
But talking about strange things happening within various OSs, I realised yesterday that my contact list needed tidying up, so went through several hundred email addresses and updated/deleted the obvious ones. The very last entry was "Yahoo customer service" so I opened it up and - lo and behold - there was a pdf file within the 'email address' field that I'd argued with the sender (Sydney Water Board) to say I'd never received it when they swore it had been sent more than a year ago! I can't even imagine how anything like that could happen, but it certainly did.....................

General Discussion / Re: Cop26
« on: 14 November, 2021, 02:52:31 AM »
You think too much!  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion / Re: Pam's new email address
« on: 13 November, 2021, 05:25:33 AM »
Perfect timing! Some might even say it was "pre-ordained"!  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion / Pam's new email address
« on: 12 November, 2021, 02:54:56 AM »
Hello Pam - just letting you know we're getting mail failures for your binnroad... email address so unable to contact you unless via this MB.

General Discussion / Re: Cop26
« on: 10 November, 2021, 01:12:07 PM »
Careful with your pension, Terry - I've been getting about 96 quid a week UK pension since I applied 13 years ago (age 65). In April 2020 I received a letter completely out of the blue, saying, "From April 2021 we will no longer pay a dependent spouse supplement. You may need to discuss with your pension provider in Australia". That was it, full stop - and we were already stranded in Vietnam by then so wasn't able to discuss with anyone! I'll certainly follow it up if we can ever get back downunder because I'd accepted their offer to pay extra for a bigger spouse supplement, but hardly expecting a refund! If I ever hear a politician say, "Trust me", I'll die laughing!

General Discussion / Re: Cop26
« on: 10 November, 2021, 04:05:06 AM »
Similar situation in Oz - a governing party led by "Scotty from Marketing" (one of the nicest nicknames for the lying, arrogant git I call Scumbag), but an opposition party almost totally devoid of anyone you could remotely call a "leader". Neither party seems to have any real policy about anything other than staying in power.............  I sometimes think I've spent too much time in Communist Vietnam. The gov't here has slowly evolved into a sort of "Commie-Marketing" mix (a euphemism for Commies who've realised that it's a nice life when you've got lots of money!) - but there's no doubt they've got the people under control(!), and life is very predictable in a single-party state: as long as you've got a few good guys near the top, they can get many things done that so-called "democracies" can only dream about (because the opposition parties invariably block every move the gov't tries to make).

General Discussion / Re: Cop26
« on: 08 November, 2021, 03:58:59 AM »
No idea, Pam - but most likely related to the fact that Oz doesn't have a workable climate policy and he probably wanted to avoid embarrassment. The media constantly criticise Scumbag (my term of endearment for arrogant "smirk and mirrors" Oz PM) but I rarely read the small print about climate change because you just don't know who to believe anymore, and I'm v.hopeful we'll have a different gov't downunder soon, so whatever this one does won't matter for much longer. I don't necessarily think the opposition Labor party will do any better than the incumbent LNP, but from a selfish perspective we've got a much better chance of being recognised as Sunny's legal guardians with a Labor gov't (we have legal guardianship in VN but that's not automatically recognised elsewhere).

General Discussion / Re: Gas Price Increase
« on: 08 November, 2021, 03:45:54 AM »
We've just emerged from 4-5 months of hard lockdown where we were only allowed to open the front door once a day to reach out and collect the food bags that had been left by police and authorised volunteers. No leaving the house for any other reason. Anyone who got sick had to phone the doctor and hope for the best. A lot of deaths during that time occurred at home because the hospitals became overloaded after just a few days from the Delta variant arriving 27 April (usually only a dozen or so hospital beds per town anyway - none outside the big towns). Ambulances would stop outside houses or shanties, shovel people in and take off again - virtually every day. And then we'd read all the whinging and moaning from snowflake westerners complaining about so-called "lockdowns" in UK, USA, Oz, etc - usually accompanied by photos of people out in the street everywhere! Grrrrrrrr...

General Discussion / Re: If we have photos to upload....
« on: 08 November, 2021, 03:29:25 AM »
Yes, Tony was on my RRB crew in A Sqn, 2 Sigs before he left for 208 (from where I'd arrived). We never used cameras much in those days so not many photos around and I'm fairly sure I've already posted any I have - but will have a look through the galleries in coming months to make sure.

General Discussion / Re: World News
« on: 06 November, 2021, 03:55:39 AM »
I think 'racism' is a no no according to site rules, so I won't comment on France getting screwed by the AUSUK pact on the submarine contract ($90 BILLION - phew!). And the main perpetrator, Oz PM 'Smirk and mirrors' Morrison, now seems to have lost any credibility he might have had on the world stage, so it's a great joke all round, n'est ce pas?

General Discussion / Re: Updating profile?
« on: 06 November, 2021, 03:49:13 AM »
Yes, it was in an email, Lee (maybe even two!) - I remember because some of it was in red typeface!

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