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Messages - PamMcD

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General Discussion / Re: Djokovic
« on: 18 January, 2022, 09:51:36 AM »
Yes but Cummings, his one time advisor who he sacked is having a field day. He said that he would topple him and he is trying his best. Cummings is unemployable now, people can see through him. Boris stood by him through the Barnard Castle debacle, where he drove up there visiting his family during lockdown.  He lied as well and Boris excused him and was on his side.  But the slimy rotter is now wreaking revenge.

General Discussion / Re: Covid
« on: 14 January, 2022, 01:17:14 PM »
We are covid free here and tomorrow Simon leaves for his long journey back to Singapore.  I will miss his terribly, but mainly because I won't have anyone to play pop with.

General Discussion / Re: Goodna Photos
« on: 14 January, 2022, 01:15:34 PM »
Sorry to go on and on about Goodna.  I have a found a little cassette of the Goodna day, plus our mini reunion at Tony's lovely house in Hexham and a tape of our visit to Darryl (Andy) Anderson's place where I was treated to a typical Aussie BBQ and a trip on a boat to watch the whales prancing about.  Also I think there are scenes of our journey from Andy's place where we called at a bird place.  Wonderful.

General Discussion / Re: Djokovic
« on: 14 January, 2022, 01:11:19 PM »
Yes I am delighted and I bet the majority of Australians are.  Lots of English are delighted but we have a lot going on with revelations of all the parties they have had at Downing Street.  I fancy Liz Truss for Leader, she is a bit wooden but she is a Leaver (brexit) and there fore not a fan of the EU.  She is our chief negotiator at the moment after Lord Frost resigned because of Boris.  Boris seems to have thrown in the towel, he has lost his vim and vigour.

General Discussion / Boris
« on: 12 January, 2022, 03:00:30 PM »
I am so disappointed in Boris and wish that he would resign.  Carrie will be behind him urging him not to resign because she likes the position as the PM's wife.  I am surprised that Kier Starmer wants his resignation because the only way he could possibly become PM is if Boris stays.  I don't want the "red wall" constituencies to give up voting Tory a the prospect  Ashton MP Angela Raynor becoming our PM does not bear thinking about.  She would never be understood outside the UK with her awful accent. I appreciate that this is only for the Brits amongst us, there is only Terry and me, at the moment.  I know how Martin feels about Boris though.

General Discussion / Re: Djokovic
« on: 11 January, 2022, 01:54:43 PM »
It makes me cross and I jolly well hope he loses. He is only wanting to be there to win for a 10th time so he can break some record. His parents are on the TV as if he is a victim.  I bet he gets some stick from the crowd when he does appear.

General Discussion / Covid
« on: 05 January, 2022, 11:03:34 AM »
My daughter Rosie went to a large gathering on Xmas day where there was someone who had tested positive for covid.  On the Tuesday after Xmas we all went over to Wythenshawe to my other daughters.  We played games etc and the best of these games was Happy Families, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife - but I digress.  Simon drove back and Rosie sat next to him and we had the windows closed.  A couple of days later she tested positive, 2 days after that I tested positive while Simon was negative.  Because he has to fly back to Singapore he went for a PCR test which was positive.   So here we are not really poorly at all but unable to mix with our fellow humans.  I just had an awful head, sore throat and a dry cough.  I will be testing with lateral flow tomorrow and Simon has had to postpone his flight, if we are OK it will be party time with Happy Families being the game of choice.  I tell you all this because I think the vaccines are wonderful, I could have been more ill than I was so I think we had the Omicrom. 

General Discussion / Re: More photos (Lee? Pam?)
« on: 05 January, 2022, 10:54:57 AM »
I have John Daring looking for some of our bif reunion in Goodna, ditto Rich Squire who did the filming on the day plus he took me all over the place and we took many photos. 

General Discussion / Re: Goodna Photos
« on: 28 December, 2021, 10:23:57 AM »
Actually Lee now I come to think about it, David Lawrence wasn't doing the website in those days.  It was the year before I had a knee replacement in 2004 and my lovely friend the late Martin Smith was dong the website then.  I think the photos have gone now, I don't have any copies and I can't remember whether Richard Squire took all the photos or if we did them on our phones.  There must be lots of photos missing because I took many of the entire holiday with John and Carmol Darling.  I will ask John if he is touch with Richard and see what can be resurrected.

General Discussion / Goodna Photos
« on: 27 December, 2021, 11:39:56 AM »
I don't know where they are, it would be a shame to lose this lovely photos.  Photos of Doc, Ocker, Bernie Binge and Bob Blackbourne.  I am having difficulty finding the address of David Lawrence although I did contact the Comcem on Denbury Boys.  The owner of the website told me he doesn't log on very much.  I have a feeling that they are on Flickr but I don't know how to go in and find the name that David used to store our photos. There will be quite a few on there. :'(

General Discussion / Re: Covid capers!
« on: 18 December, 2021, 12:28:05 PM »
I am sick of these people who march about, mainly in London, protesting that their liberties are being curtailed and that it is like being in a fascist state.   We don't know much about the latest variant, just that it spreads quicker.  According to what I have read the South Africans aren't talking and obsessing over it like we do in UK.  But I suppose the governments want to be sure.  I have also heard that it does not make people extremely ill but it may fill our hospitals - we just don't know.  I am going to be careful anyway, visiting Manchester daughter tomorrow then Tesco supermarket, maybe it is not legal to do so but masks will be worn.

Terry yes I was in touch with Bernie through his friend Brian Perkins (?) who used to print out my emails and pass them on to Bermie.  He also used to write snail mail, it was lovely to hear from him as well.  There are a few of us left and it is nice to keep in touch.

Graham - I seem to have lost your email address. Please could I have it - anytime - to add to our growing hall of fame. :)

I had heard so much about Bernie that I was delighted to meet him at our reunion in Goodna, he was smashing to talk to.  Bob Blackbourne was always asking me if I had heard anything of him, and now Bob is no longer with us.  Glad he met up with him at Goodna.  I am trying to find the photos of Goodna but they may have been put on to Flickr by David Lawrence.  I will have a look around Flickr but I have no idea what his password was.  I am hoping that I get a message back from Danbury Days comcen page.

General Discussion / Weather - what else.
« on: 28 November, 2021, 02:08:24 PM »
It is damned snowing, that is all I need to make this a very bad weekend for me.  My cat and I have also been traumatised owing to the visit of my Manchester daughter and her very badly behaved children  >:(.  They have gone now, phew!

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