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Messages - PamMcD

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
General Discussion / Re: Indian Variant
« on: 18 May, 2021, 01:56:49 PM »
Now a thousand cases and many of the older Indian residents refuse to have to vaccine. This is terrible that our recovery could be scuppered by these people. It makes my blood boil.  Many of the black people who refuse the vaccine think that the government  have put a chip into it and maybe that it will make them infertile!

General Discussion / Indian Variant
« on: 08 May, 2021, 01:25:19 PM »
There are now 500 cases of the variant in UK.  It is Indian workers returning, maybe students etc.  Singapore are having the same problem with returning Indians.  It could stop him coming for his annual holiday, Singapore is also on out green list of places we can go to. But I will never be able to set foot there again, which upsets me.  I dream of wandering down Orchard Road, visiting the Marina Bay area, and swimming daily in the condominium pool.  My arthritis is a damned nuisance and I can't think of any thing to make it bearable. Maybe if I insisted they might try and make things better, just to be able to meet my daughter in Manchester for a shopping trip would be super.  Anyone else have these kinds of problems and do you have any tips????

General Discussion / Re: Some text changes?
« on: 27 April, 2021, 02:01:56 PM »
I hate Scouse and Geordie and Yorkie etc so you have always called you Martin.  Tony was never know as Geordie, always Tony and Alby was not even a Geordie and I never knew his God given name, hailing from Sunderland.  Did you call Ernie Geordie? Maybe he was just Soapy to everyone but me.  Where is Steve from?  Someone answer me please?   :(


General Discussion / Re: Testing
« on: 22 April, 2021, 12:11:15 PM »
I am still experiencing slowness of loading and went to make my bed while it loaded today.  Will it be my system or what?  Tomorrow when I boot up I will test my internet speed and then log on to the MB.

General Discussion / Re: Testing
« on: 24 March, 2021, 09:53:05 AM »
The webpage takes a long time to load, but maybe that is my system. The fact that I have an ssd will not make any difference, it must be my wifi/internet. :(

General Discussion / Re: Posts
« on: 23 March, 2021, 03:26:42 PM »
Is this going to be our MB or is it a work in progress?

General Discussion / Re: Testing
« on: 22 March, 2021, 12:39:44 PM »
It was lovely to read all the old messages on the GB.  I am still finding the MB a little hard to make sense of but I will soon get used to it.  Love all you are doing. I want Ernie to come on here but I don't think he is interested these days.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Testing
« on: 21 March, 2021, 08:12:19 AM »
Now have Microsoft 365 and it is very good, I don't think that I can delete it.   8)

General Discussion / Re: Spam
« on: 18 March, 2021, 10:55:03 AM »
Who will have to delete the spam on the Guest Book? It used to take ages, but there was never any on the MB.  New Office 2010 arrives today so it will be good to have a more up to date version.  Why can't we go back to XP or Windows 7?  I used to love the screen savers on Windows 95, they were awesome.  I liked all the bells and whistles and one doesn't get them anymore, sadly. :(

General Discussion / Re: Testing
« on: 18 March, 2021, 10:49:30 AM »
I am saying thumbs up because I do not want to appear to be thick as you know what.  But, hey,  I am a very old lady who does silly things like deleting Microsoft Office and then not knowing how it happened.  I couldn't resurrect it so I have to buy another .  The chap who fitted my SSD put Windows on and also Office, so that is what went into oblivion. :(

General Discussion / Re: Posts
« on: 17 March, 2021, 01:23:37 PM »
Not quite sure Lee, I have to try and fine my way around. :-\ :-[

General Discussion / Re: Spam
« on: 15 March, 2021, 02:22:00 PM »


I think that I am thick, it took me ages to find a reply button but I am willing to soldier on and give it a go.

General Discussion / Posts
« on: 15 March, 2021, 02:16:32 PM »

Testing: Can't see my epic message? 

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