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General Discussion / Re: air fryers
« Last post by PamMcD on 08 May, 2024, 03:11:57 PM »
I have my one airfryer and an electric pressure cooker made by the same people who made my airfryer.  I like them bother but I love bacon and sausages done in AF and stews in my pressure cooker.  People seem to be able to make lovely poached eggs and boiled eggs but I have had no luck.
General Discussion / Re: FACEBOOK SCAMMERS
« Last post by PamMcD on 08 May, 2024, 03:08:02 PM »
How awful, it is so worrying that they are getting up to all these nasty tricks.  Touch wood nothing like that has happened  to me .... yet!

General Discussion / Re: immigration
« Last post by PamMcD on 08 May, 2024, 03:05:48 PM »
Yes I wondered that Terry.  A few years ago the Vietnamese were the largest group to come to our shores but they are now coming again in large numbers.  The Albanians have been stopped by their own government, after a request from our government.

General Discussion / Re: immigration
« Last post by MR on 02 May, 2024, 03:16:59 PM »
Dunno if there's any truth in the rumour, Terry, but word here is that Anfield is in such a shambles since the quest for 4 titles in one season fell apart so spectacularly in recent weeks that the Vietnamese LFC supporters club have decided to get over there to help them try and salvage something out of the season, even if it's only a bit of respect!   ;D ;D ;D
General Discussion / immigration
« Last post by Terry W on 28 April, 2024, 12:47:27 PM »
hello Martin/Scouse Liverpool supporter. A question from Terry an Arsenal supporter. why is the UK getting a sudden influx of Vietnamese illegal immigrants ? Thats according to the UK Gov spokesman and news out lets. 
General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent
« Last post by MR on 27 April, 2024, 01:06:50 PM »
OK Pam, good luck. And happy 85th - hope the wheelchair works OK!!!  ;D
General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent
« Last post by PamMcD on 26 April, 2024, 12:19:20 PM »
Actually Martin, I have not let either of them know. I know it is daft but it might just be the last straw regards their their patience with stuff that inevitably goes wrong when I get involved in things.  Simon (son) is home and he has sorted some things out for me.  I am lying low now for awhile and planning my 85th birthday goings on, which includes a meal out some charity shop shopping in some posh place like Harrogate.  I got a second hand wheel chair to accompany me on the trip.
General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent
« Last post by MR on 19 April, 2024, 02:03:26 PM »
Good move, Pam - but don't forget to let Lee and/or Poul know what you plan before you go ahead and do it because you might otherwise do something that conflicts with an action one or both of them are taking on your behalf! (hint hint).  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent - Not Now!!
« Last post by PamMcD on 16 April, 2024, 12:17:44 PM »
Afternoon All

I have decided to keep Shtum about my computer trouble because I dig my own grave most of the time.  I am thinking of going with my Microsoft account and change the email address slightly. I used to love Microsoft Outlook but that is long since gone, it was perfect for my needs.  I could the internet for something similar and that I might do.  At the moment I have my son here from Singapore but he us often too busy to attend to me needs - unless I absolutely insist. 

Thanks to Martin and Lee for their help and patience. Someone has told me that spreadsheets are easy when you go on You tube but I am not so sure.  So Lee, maybe I might send my spreadsheet to you every few months if there is anything wrong.

I am closing my account which I am about to do and hope that they may be able to export any emails over to me.

Support the website please and especially the Message Board,


Pam McD  :)
General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent
« Last post by PamMcD on 09 April, 2024, 11:29:21 AM »
Thanks for replying.  Poul will be a busy chap and I don't think he has time to bother with my problems.  I will just wait till a Eureka moment hits me, you never know! 

I will keep in touch because that is what it is all about.
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