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General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent - Not Now!!
« Last post by PamMcD on 16 April, 2024, 12:17:44 PM »
Afternoon All

I have decided to keep Shtum about my computer trouble because I dig my own grave most of the time.  I am thinking of going with my Microsoft account and change the email address slightly. I used to love Microsoft Outlook but that is long since gone, it was perfect for my needs.  I could the internet for something similar and that I might do.  At the moment I have my son here from Singapore but he us often too busy to attend to me needs - unless I absolutely insist. 

Thanks to Martin and Lee for their help and patience. Someone has told me that spreadsheets are easy when you go on You tube but I am not so sure.  So Lee, maybe I might send my spreadsheet to you every few months if there is anything wrong.

I am closing my account which I am about to do and hope that they may be able to export any emails over to me.

Support the website please and especially the Message Board,


Pam McD  :)
General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent
« Last post by PamMcD on 09 April, 2024, 11:29:21 AM »
Thanks for replying.  Poul will be a busy chap and I don't think he has time to bother with my problems.  I will just wait till a Eureka moment hits me, you never know! 

I will keep in touch because that is what it is all about.
General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent
« Last post by MR on 08 April, 2024, 03:20:05 AM »
Would love to help, Pam, but I really don't understand the problem. If Poul gave you a new password and it doesn't work (for whatever reason), can't he give you another one that will work?
General Discussion / Rather Urgent
« Last post by PamMcD on 03 April, 2024, 01:07:31 PM »
I have got myself in to a real pickle,  and it is entirely of my making.  I dig myself in deeper and deeper every time and I need help.  I will try to explain.

My sister gave me a ten year old iMac and eventually I have it up an nearly running.  But my downfall is due to passwords. I sorted out my Apple ID which is the same, obviously, as my iPad and iPhone.  No problem there then, but for some reason Apple want a password for my email address.  I don't know it. I should have used Gmail because I have no intention of having email on this apple computer.  It is just for me to play on in my old age and to keep my ageing brain sort of active.  I can't knit any more due to arthritis and I have no idea how to crochet so I keep going on my computers. 

I asked Poul to give me a new password for my webmail which I think he will have done to keep the old girl quiet.  What he didn't know was that I had already changed the password to something else.  When I went on to access my webmail I couldn't because my password was not accepted.

The chat facility on obviously didn't understand what I was talking about and they gave me instructions to go on and change my password but I have to know the CORRECT password in order to actually go on to

I don't really know what anyone of you can do to help
General Discussion / Re: State of the world
« Last post by MR on 19 March, 2024, 03:16:48 AM »
Vietnamese all get free medical care in Vietnam, as Australians do in Australia and Brits do in UK. But travellers don't necessarily - it depends on whether their country of origin has reciprocal arrangements with the country where they need treatment. Sunny gets free medical care in VN but if she ever gets sick on one of her holidays in Australia we'll have to pay for treatment, repatriation, etc - and the same thing in reverse applies to me and all other foreigners here in Vietnam. Which in my case could become a major problem because I can't get reasonable travel insurance since turning 80 - although I must admit that it won't matter if I get terminally ill because there's no point in my being repatriated to Australia when my only family is here in Vietnam! (sister and family are still in Sth Africa but sister's got dementia and can't remember that she's got a brother, so no point my going there anymore...).
Btw, you probably remember me getting sick in Chester on our 2012 holiday - I went to Chester hospital and they gave me some tests and medications and travel insurers told me to go back to Australia immediately or they wouldn't pay anything - I wasn't even able to visit my cousins near Norwich as planned. So we flew directly back to Australia and also didn't visit sister and family in Sth Africa as planned, then went to the local emergency ward in Sydney where they did some tests and told me that Chester had mis-diagnosed the infection and given me the wrong antibiotics, which had just made everything worse instead of better! So free medical treatment ain't always as good as it's cracked up to be!!!  :-\
General Discussion / Re: State of the world
« Last post by Terry W on 10 March, 2024, 12:27:58 PM »
But Martin if he was in the UK he would not need to pay for his treatment plus in UK I do believe that couples that live together but are not have the same legal status as married couples. 
General Discussion / FACEBOOK SCAMMERS
« Last post by MR on 10 March, 2024, 04:05:18 AM »
G'day all!
Just want to let everyone know that my wife Linh's facebook account has been hacked and some ratbag is trying to con her contacts into "lending" them some money in the false belief that it's Linh calling them. Please be assured that neither I nor Linh would EVER try and borrow or ask for money from anyone except the bank - and even then we'd think twice about it!
General Discussion / Re: State of the world
« Last post by MR on 08 March, 2024, 03:10:14 AM »
I guess there's a lot to be said for "Pipe and slippers", but we're working through the benefits of VN's lack of legal/political interference as we speak: a mate's in hospital recovering from a serious heart attack that left him in a coma for 10 days and he's now "psychotic" with complete loss of memory. His partner has been paying the hospital bills from her own savings because the bank won't give her access to his account as they're not married (but have lived together for 3 years in a house our mate bought for them both, because he considers her his de facto wife). I asked Linh if she could help so she's getting the situation sorted by talking to a couple of her friends from dancing class who are luckily in senior management at the bank! Such intervention could never even be considered in our "strictly legal" western world!
General Discussion / Re: State of the world
« Last post by Terry W on 03 March, 2024, 01:18:08 PM »
Much as I liked and enjoyed VN on our visit dont think I could live there too set in my "british pipe and slippers way" ! Besides living down here in cosy Cornwall suits me. Take care all
General Discussion / Re: State of the world
« Last post by MR on 26 February, 2024, 03:15:30 AM »
How right you are, Terry! We were just talking about the same thing last night after our weekly Hash House Harriers run had finished - we had people from UK, Ireland, Australia, Russia and Thailand and all agreed that we made the right choice by living in Vietnam because they haven't (yet) got around to letting the lawyers run everything with rules about how to use the rules that were made to help you use the rules! In VN you just pay someone "tea money" and the job gets done, whatever it is! Let's hear it for a one-party system - there's no political opposition in VN to muddy the waters with self-motivated gobbledygook: whoever's in charge can just get on with it!!!
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