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General Discussion / Re: WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!
« Last post by MR on 12 July, 2023, 10:17:55 AM »
Lucky you, Terry! We're downunder for one more week of (relatively) freezing midwinter weather (16-20C) before heading back to a nice, comfortable 36C in VN!
Big appointment tomorrow with migration lawyers to see if we can get (our 10yo niece) Sunny down here a bit more permanently - at least until she's ready for uni or the workforce so her poor old mum can have a break from chopping dead pigs all night in the markets!
Got together with Lee down in Adelaide last week and we (and Pam) agreed that I'll have a go at creating a facebook page or group that Lee can link to this website - because hardly any of the former regulars have found their way back to this MB and one reason that's been quoted to me is that the registration process is rather confusing to some of our older colleagues - and although I'm very much a former facebook atheist I had to use it to communicate with the VNs in our hash house harriers group and now realise that registration is ultra-straightforward and it's also very easy to block the idiots who just want to see their name in print - which then leaves the pages open for the more sensible folk amongst us!
I'll see how things go when we get back to VN mid next week (I've already tee'd up an information exchange session with the local IT gurus at our watering hole, so that'll be a good start!). Say Hi to Fran for us!
General Discussion / Re: WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!
« Last post by Terry W on 09 July, 2023, 12:47:13 PM »
Lets hope we can attract our old comrades back ! Weather down here in Cornwall has been warm and sunny, sometimes hot, we are on a hosepipe ban, been on one for nearly 9 months so a couple days of rain would be welcome. hope to hear from more on this site.
General Discussion / Re: WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!
« Last post by PamMcD on 07 July, 2023, 02:50:44 PM »
I have found me way on to the MB and I now have the same login details as I always have had.  Nice to be back and I will go with the flow regarding the future!
General Discussion / WELCOME BACK EVERYONE!
« Last post by MR on 15 June, 2023, 06:31:27 AM »
Just thought I'd share the news that most former MB regulars have already heard by email, ie that thanks to several years of amazing perseverance against often quite intimidating odds, Lynn "Lee" Burgess has rebuilt the 208 (Comwel) Sig Sqn website, now kindly hosted by Steve Mason's son Poul in Denmark (208 was nothing if not global!). Pam's still the site owner, of course, with Lee as Admin and Scouse (MR), Pam and "Outback Traveller" Ken helping out as moderators. So here we are - back to something close to normal once more, with Covid and other obstacles firmly behind us - all ready to continue chatting as though the past 2-3 years simply never happened. I'll drink to that - yeehaaa!  ;D ;D ;D
General Discussion / Re: Just gotta share this one!
« Last post by MR on 15 June, 2023, 06:16:33 AM »
Thanks Lee. Sunny's a real sweetheart and prayed at the pagoda this morning to ask her granddad to help uncle Martin get better after his fall down the mountainside(!) on Sunday's run with the Vung Tau Hash House Harriers. I'm hoping granddad will also use his heavenly influence to stop my nose dripping constantly now the VN rainy season has kicked into top gear - with temperatures down below 30C for the first time this year! I can only shudder when thinking about heading downunder next week in Oz midwinter! We'll hopefully catch up in Adelaide (Hilton, 30/6-4/7) but you might need x-ray vision to recognise us through all the gloves, beanies, scarves and overcoats - brrrrrrr!  ;D ;D ;D
General Discussion / Re: Just gotta share this one!
« Last post by LeeB6430 on 14 June, 2023, 07:29:42 AM »
Great to hear Scouse. Outstanding!

See you soon.
General Discussion / Re: Just gotta share this one!
« Last post by MR on 13 June, 2023, 01:53:31 PM »
...and here we are a year later - which means Sunny has now lived with us officially for more than 5 years and so qualifies as a dependent child. It's great to know we'll be helping to improve her life because she's certainly improving ours!  ;D
General Discussion / Re: Logging in comments
« Last post by MR on 31 May, 2023, 05:15:36 AM »
I see the warning in red at the top (interesting in itself - never seen it before), but I'm not so much replying to previous posts on this topic as reinstating it on page 1 - for no other reason than to see if/how it works, ie I'm taking advantage of the "experimental" phase we're currently going through! ;D
General Discussion / Re: "Ten Pound Poms"
« Last post by MR on 31 May, 2023, 05:09:50 AM »
Sorry to interrupt the avatar comments but my two-bob re "problems with indigenous people" is that I had only been in Australia for a few weeks/months when I went to Tennant Creek in the mines and we spent a lot of down-time under the local trees drinking beer with the local aboriginals and they were always entirely hospitable (could have been because we usually paid for the grog, but still...). However, down in TC (32 km away) it was a different story - one pub for whites and one for blacks. It was the local cops who enforced that rule but whether they caused the problems with it or just exacerbated them I don't know - but there was not a lot of sympathy for them from blacks or whites after a gang of bikies had ridden through town and humiliated the cops on the main street in front of the entire population!
General Discussion / Re: "Ten Pound Poms"
« Last post by LeeB6430 on 27 May, 2023, 09:48:10 AM »
Pam, whatever happened to the photo 0f you and another, that I massaged (with Photoshop) for you ? I thought you were going to use that as an avatar.
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