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General Discussion / "Ten Pound Poms"
« Last post by PamMcD on 16 May, 2023, 10:10:47 AM »
This is a nice juicy topic.   Ten Pound Poms in the title of a new TV programme on Brit TV.  I am recording it but not sure thet I will ever watch it. My daughter tells me that the indigenous population was not very nice to the poms who were invited to come over to Oz by theAussie government.  It started me wondering how the Brits were treated by their Aussie counterparts and if there were many altercations?  I was given a clue when I was in Oz staying with John and Carmol Darling.  I can't remember this chaps name but his wife was called Camilla and he has since died.  I was livid that he was so rude about Brits openly to my face, but as we were in a shopping mall, I buttoned my lip.  >:(
General Discussion / Re: Replacing the Guest Book
« Last post by MR on 16 May, 2023, 04:30:24 AM »
Thanks Lee - and have to say it would be nice if it did get lost amongst so many other threads being started because that would indicate a return to normal after all the cc (covid cancellations) of the past few years! Fingers crossed...
General Discussion / Re: Replacing the Guest Book
« Last post by LeeB6430 on 16 May, 2023, 03:51:24 AM »
You will have noticed that this thread is now 'sticky' ie it remains in the top section of the Topic list, so that it does not get lost in amongst all the other Threads/Topics being generated these days.  ;D ;D ;D ;D 8)
General Discussion / Replacing the Guest Book
« Last post by MR on 15 May, 2023, 02:22:31 PM »
Greetings all!
This post follows the email just sent to all registered former users of Pam's 208 Sigs website Message Board, inviting suggestions, comments, etc to replace the now inoperable Guest Book. All responses will be assessed at end-May to help decide how (or "if") to replace the GB. Please feel free to make any comments etc that you wish - but try to keep them usable and positive (ie, no expensive replacements, nor suggestions for something that could test the technical understanding of the average website visitor).
Martin "Scouse" Ratia (on behalf of website owner Pam, admin Lee, and fellow moderators Ken and Pam)
General Discussion / Re: FInding People - Geoff Southby
« Last post by MR on 13 May, 2023, 01:42:30 PM »
Welcome Geoff - it's been quite a while "between drinks" but great to see the MB operating again as designed! Bit busy at the moment because we've just received the very welcome news that our 10yo niece Sunny has been granted another Oz tourist visa. They had quoted "about 3 months" for application results but ours came in 3 weeks so now it's "hurry up" to sort a million and one things before heading downunder to try and relax in the freezing cold for a month or so (it's roasting hot in VN at the mo', but much prefer to fry than freeze!) - but I'll hopefully remember to circulate an "all stations" email encouraging former regulars to surface again on this MB. Certa Cito - or as one comic captioned an ex Air Boon Choo photo in The Wire: "Certa SEATO"!  ;D
General Discussion / Re: FInding People.
« Last post by GSouthby on 13 May, 2023, 10:08:40 AM »
Hi Guys, This is a test post (posted by LB to check GS registration) Cheers
General Discussion / Margot Burgess - RIP
« Last post by MR on 19 January, 2023, 12:08:28 PM »
208 Sigs website reconstruction expert Lynn "Lee" Burgess has granted permission for the following sad news about his wife, Margot ("Meg"), to be posted to the 208 Sigs community. In an earlier email, Lee wrote "Meg has been in hospital for the vast majority of the last 6 months (cancer, specifically lymphoma, renal failure, et al). She is fighting like a tiger, but is being kept 'under' to ease the pain, she now receiving end of life care at our local hospital."

----- Forwarded message -----
From: Lynn Burgess
Sent: Thursday, 19 January 2023 at 09:22:13 am AEDT

Sadly, I have to inform that we lost Margot about 1630 18 Jan 2023. Her passing, while medicated, was peaceful.

Pain is only for those who remain. RIP

With profound regret

General Discussion / Merry Xmas, Happy New Year!
« Last post by MR on 10 December, 2022, 07:45:42 AM »
Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year 2023 to all ex-208'ers. Fingers crossed for peace, financial stability, no more covid and an end to political bullies and authoritarianism in all its forms!
Scouse/MR/Martin, Linh & our niece/ward Sunny
General Discussion / Re: Is There Anybody There...?
« Last post by MR on 04 October, 2022, 01:37:11 AM »
I guess the fact that we haven't openly discussed anyone's health issues on here is proof enough that the MB system is deficient at least in the privacy aspect. Call me old fashioned, but I still prefer email because you can specifically target who gets your messages - and despite being a rabid anti-facebooker in the past, must now admit that it has certain advantages over semi-public message boards like this: the main one, imo, is sheer simplicity of operation. The lack of interest (or at least lack of use) by former regulars makes me seriously think this MB's time is up and we should think now about what to do with the equity that's been built over many years, eg donate the gallery to another Army-related site, etc etc. It's Pam's site - and always has been - but many folk have contributed over the years so must at least be invited to comment on the future...
General Discussion / Re: Is There Anybody There...?
« Last post by PamMcD on 03 October, 2022, 11:56:42 AM »
With the other Message Board we had ages ago, I automaticlly went on there every day but now I have forgotten all about it.  I do go on Facebook every day and I am on a few facebooks different subjects - Marsden, Cats, Sewing but nothing interesting to others.  I miss the old one so much but maybe that would have gone the same way.  Ernie actually emailed to ask where I was and was still around.  So he is missing a bit of contact.  He is courting (old fashioned term) strong so I excuse him.  I emailed Alby Simpson the other day to find out if he was still breathing and he is OK.

I have builders in pointing the gable end and I have the Stones blaring trying to drown out the sound of the their drilling out old mortar.  Simon was recently home and he has really gone overboard with things.  New fridge/freezer for me, this pointing. new decking, new conservatiry blinds and so I don't have to get the ironing board out they have bought me a steamer.   

Anyway that is my contribution to the MB, hope to goodness Lee and Margot ae OK.  I don't know how I manage to keep soldieing on!

They got rid of Boris and voted in a Maggie Thatcher mark 2 who has lifted the ban on bankers bonus andallowing the rich to earn more before they pay tax.  Ordinary folk are having a increase in their mortgage repayments.  MP's are up in arms because rhe know that Labour will have a landslide victory in 2024.  God Fofbid.  Think I might vote Green for the first time in my voting life.

Bye for now.

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