I've just finished the update of the Reg Instructions. There are now 6 images and the facility to download the Agreement/Privacy document in PDF and Word formats.Also just done a backup manually. Note to self, Really must find out how to do it through the host organisation - in other words have the backup on Poul's server rather than my confuser.....
1. Those member quantities are pre-anti SPAM measures (requiring Admin approval) when we were swamped with bot generated users (now all in the bit bucket!!!). I you check the Member list you will notice member sequence numbers > 90.
2. Time zone was setup Danish time, UTC +1, for no other reason than that is where the server is most likely to be.
3. I suspect not, the assumption being that you are going to talk to something reasonably near the Thread title. There will be lessons learnt here I think. Precise topics (Ford cars before 1950) might be a very short thread, whereas (ford cars) could go on forever. Further, I you think you are likely to 'Off topic' preface you remarks appropriately. AS your previous post touched on - don't be afraid of starting a new topic - Also don't be too disappointed if nobody runs with it.

4. The date of birth issue is a 'known problem' at SMF. the official line is 'we do not issue bug fix releases for a single issue unless there are security aspects in the issue'. On the plus side there may be a Mod out there to address the problem, (Mods are non-sanctioned, non-SMF, changes to the software, which may or may not be free) there are hundreds of them out there. I will do a bit of research to see what might be available. By way of example, you might recall we once discussed a Mod called Cleantalk (anti SPAM), which we put on the back burner till we assessed the extent, if any, of any potential SPAM problem.