Author Topic: FInding People.  (Read 8932 times)


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Re: FInding People.
« Reply #6 on: 03 November, 2021, 07:58:40 AM »
I was attached to 1NZ (later 1RNZIR, I think) before 543 Tp was established. It was after I'd been attached to 2RAR, but while I lived with 2RAR full time, I only joined the Kiwis for exercises as "patrol radio support" - otherwise I was back in the 208 lines and working in the compound (after the usual post-exercise p*ss up and sing song in the Kiwi lines, of course!). Always got on really well with the maoris - they often took turns to carry me and my backpack radio to "give my legs a rest"!


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Re: FInding People.
« Reply #5 on: 31 October, 2021, 09:57:57 AM »
Always with the Kiwis (543 Tp) I could, most mornings, be seen scuttling across the main road to the Kiwi lines. I was a great place to hide ;D ;D Although I have to say I did enjoy working in Tech Maint. Freezing A/C beautiful. Darryl Kajewski had them (the air conditioners) stocked with Tiger


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Re: FInding People.
« Reply #4 on: 31 October, 2021, 09:48:28 AM »
I have emailed Jim Howe who was in Alpha Troop and a friend of Ernie's.  Ernie hasn't heard from him for years, he is in the South East and came to our Hexham reunion.


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Re: FInding People.
« Reply #3 on: 31 October, 2021, 09:43:07 AM »
They lived opposite Sam and I on Stevenson Avenue. I fell out with him after he asked for Darryl Anderson's email address and then refused to let me give his to Darryl. So I told him off.  I never contacted him again which is a shame since he was from my home town of Dewsbury (a horrid place) and I should keep in touch with him.  I will ask Mary Waring if she knows his email address.  John Waring was with the Kiwis , I think Lee was with them as well, at some point.


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Re: Finding People.
« Reply #2 on: 31 October, 2021, 01:01:16 AM »
Gordon Firth's name rings a bell, Pam - but that could be from seeing his post on 208 Then & Now the other day. We mostly used to hang around with those we met daily in the compound or billetts, so I remember very few other than radio operators and some drivers and EDs. I just looked at the squadron photo from 1964 and recognise nearly everyone, but wouldn't have shared beers with many other than the dozen or so close mates in "our" group.


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FInding People.
« Reply #1 on: 30 October, 2021, 03:06:10 PM »
I used to be friendly with John and Mary Waring.  He wouldn't allow her to keep in touch with people when they left a posting.  I found Mary on Facebook, sent a short message but I don't expect a reply.  She was very friendly with Ann and Gordon Firth who were from my home town, but I have since left it - thank the Lord.  I used to be in touch but he is rather like John W in that they don't keep in touch with old friends.  Anyway it is a start.  Gordon Firth was maybe there when you were Martin, but maybe I am wrong.