Author Topic: Platinum Jubilee 2022  (Read 3711 times)


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Re: Platinum Jubilee 2022
« Reply #7 on: 18 July, 2022, 11:28:01 AM »
Good to hear, Ken. All good here - but reading so many negative things about new Covid strains, flu and flooding downunder that we've decided to postpone the holiday we planned for Sunny; don't want her to get stuck down there unable to board a plane and go back to school after the holidays because one or more of us have been struck down with a virus! Things will hopefully look better next year - but our mindless bureaucrats might start getting suspicious if we don't travel soon, because this is two 12-month visas they've given us for Sunny and we haven't used either of them!  :o
« Last Edit: 18 July, 2022, 11:30:11 AM by MR »

Outback Traveller

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Re: Platinum Jubilee 2022
« Reply #6 on: 15 July, 2022, 11:34:08 AM »
G'Day MR, I'm doing okay. Hope all's well in 'Nam. Covid seems to have stayed away from me - fingers crossed! Winter cases are on the rise here in Victoria. Hospitals are beginning to postpone elective surgery to free-up beds for possible covid influx. Also talk of a fourth covid booster to combat possible new strain. Meanwhile a Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak in Indonesia has folks very worried here.


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Re: Platinum Jubilee 2022 + Paddy O'Connell
« Reply #5 on: 10 July, 2022, 01:53:41 PM »
G'day Ken - good to hear from you and hope you're well (I ask everyone that nowadays, since I went back downunder 2 months ago and caught a dose of Covid within days of landing - no thanks to those westerners who feel too important to wear facemasks and keep their distance from others). All good here (all VNs wear facemasks, not least because few if any can afford to take a day off work!), and it's about to get even better with a visit by a former mate who I haven't seen since we both served in the regimental band in Boys Service, 1960: 'Bad lads' had a choice when being sentenced - serve time in nick or join the band (the provost sergeant was also bandmaster!). Paddy and his brother live in the Philippines these days and are planning to holiday in SVN shortly - should be lotsa fun!
« Last Edit: 11 July, 2022, 05:03:29 AM by MR »

Outback Traveller

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Re: Platinum Jubilee 2022
« Reply #4 on: 06 July, 2022, 10:26:08 AM »
The Platinum Jubilee was all over the TV here. Liz will be an impossible act to follow. Chuck's a different kettle of fish altogether, so it will be interesting to see how he handles the family business. Maybe he'll handball the job to William and Kate after a year or three. I suspect Andrew will remain an unwelcome distraction, especially if news reports out of the US are correct. I'll be very surprised if Australia isn't a Republic inside 10 years...


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Re: Platinum Jubilee 2022
« Reply #3 on: 20 June, 2022, 12:22:07 PM »
What a shame - they didn't even mention it here and there's a British Embassy up in Hanoi!!!

Terry W

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Re: Platinum Jubilee 2022
« Reply #2 on: 19 June, 2022, 12:19:16 PM »
I enjoyed it also Pam although our street/crescent on the Saturday was a disappointment as the weather turned wet and cold, otherwise enjoyed the whole thing, Paddington Bear and the Queen was very amusing now we know what she keeps in her handbag.


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Platinum Jubilee 2022
« Reply #1 on: 15 June, 2022, 10:49:55 AM »
To maybe the lone rader of this post

It was a really enjotable event, with loads of spectacular happenings.  I was impressed with the drone things going on up above.  I spent the Saturday at my brothers Jubilee party, where we had typically Britiish fsre like indian delights.  We had a Jubilee quiz which me, my nephew and his partner, won easily.  Some chocolate corgis?  I .oved it because I like family gatherings and it was good to spend this day with my brothers family.  Simon arrives on the 26th August so there will be another family get toether with other family members.  My brother took me home on the Sunday morning and I watched further Julbilee things on TV.  Megan and Harry arriving at St. Pauls and they didn't sit with the rest of the royals.  They are getting their come uppance for the terrivble Oprah show.  The Queen wasn't able to join in many things because apparently she wasn't strong enough.  She is after all 96.