Author Topic: Is There Anybody There...?  (Read 3083 times)


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Re: Is There Anybody There...?
« Reply #5 on: 04 October, 2022, 01:37:11 AM »
I guess the fact that we haven't openly discussed anyone's health issues on here is proof enough that the MB system is deficient at least in the privacy aspect. Call me old fashioned, but I still prefer email because you can specifically target who gets your messages - and despite being a rabid anti-facebooker in the past, must now admit that it has certain advantages over semi-public message boards like this: the main one, imo, is sheer simplicity of operation. The lack of interest (or at least lack of use) by former regulars makes me seriously think this MB's time is up and we should think now about what to do with the equity that's been built over many years, eg donate the gallery to another Army-related site, etc etc. It's Pam's site - and always has been - but many folk have contributed over the years so must at least be invited to comment on the future...


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Re: Is There Anybody There...?
« Reply #4 on: 03 October, 2022, 11:56:42 AM »
With the other Message Board we had ages ago, I automaticlly went on there every day but now I have forgotten all about it.  I do go on Facebook every day and I am on a few facebooks different subjects - Marsden, Cats, Sewing but nothing interesting to others.  I miss the old one so much but maybe that would have gone the same way.  Ernie actually emailed to ask where I was and was still around.  So he is missing a bit of contact.  He is courting (old fashioned term) strong so I excuse him.  I emailed Alby Simpson the other day to find out if he was still breathing and he is OK.

I have builders in pointing the gable end and I have the Stones blaring trying to drown out the sound of the their drilling out old mortar.  Simon was recently home and he has really gone overboard with things.  New fridge/freezer for me, this pointing. new decking, new conservatiry blinds and so I don't have to get the ironing board out they have bought me a steamer.   

Anyway that is my contribution to the MB, hope to goodness Lee and Margot ae OK.  I don't know how I manage to keep soldieing on!

They got rid of Boris and voted in a Maggie Thatcher mark 2 who has lifted the ban on bankers bonus andallowing the rich to earn more before they pay tax.  Ordinary folk are having a increase in their mortgage repayments.  MP's are up in arms because rhe know that Labour will have a landslide victory in 2024.  God Fofbid.  Think I might vote Green for the first time in my voting life.

Bye for now.


Outback Traveller

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Re: Is There Anybody There...?
« Reply #3 on: 26 September, 2022, 11:32:04 AM »
Didn't realise Lee and Margot were ill. Hope they both come good. Hearing you on the social media thing - this site is still a mite unstable for my MacBook. FB is okay, I've been using it for years now. Hope all's well in the 'Nam.


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Re: Is There Anybody There...?
« Reply #2 on: 26 September, 2022, 03:31:04 AM »
Dunno about everyone else, Ken, but Pam and I worry about Lee and Margot's health situation - he's been off the air for a long time now. One option for resurrecting the MB activity is to acknowledge technological progress and use something that's very, very simple for everyone to access like a facebook group or page. But let's see if Lee can return and continue to rebuild the GB before we start talking about changing the MB.
I'm no expert, but seems to me that life has moved on for most people and many of the former MB users (including myself) are now either on facebook or away from social media altogether. I used to despise facebook until I started using it during the Covid lockdowns and realised it's all about the admins and moderators keeping a close eye on things to prevent the nutters out there from taking over our minds (a bit like left and right-wing politics!).  :o

Outback Traveller

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Is There Anybody There...?
« Reply #1 on: 23 September, 2022, 03:16:27 AM »
It seems to be very, very, quiet out there in message board land. I thought the Queen's passing, her magnificent funeral and associated changes to the monarchy would have generated a myriad of discussion... Here's my 20 cents worth: I believe Australia will be a Republic by 2030...