Author Topic: Another new member for MB  (Read 3610 times)


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Another new member for MB
« Reply #1 on: 05 November, 2023, 11:14:57 AM »
Greetings all!
You have probably already noticed a new member "Bob" mentioned on the MB. Bob is Robert "Bob" Doe, former 6 Light Regiment LAD REME, Jan 65 - May 68. He posted on the GB asking questions about the Shades of Blue and if a copy of their record 'In the Midnight hour' was on the 208 site (as far as we can tell, it disappeared along with other stuff during one of the recent website reconstructions, but site Admin Lee Burgess found 3 links that might help him locate a copy). Bob says he's here because "I like looking at the photos and memories". Don't we all!
We don't know if Bob's time in 28 Bde overlaps with Eddie Roberts' (REME att 208 Sigs, early 1960s), but they'll surely work that one out by themselves!
In the meantime, Bob's email address has been added to the bulk emailing list for emergency use when contact via this MB is not possible. If you haven't received a copy, please let me know on this thread or by direct email to
Cheers, Scouse/MR