Author Topic: Message Board  (Read 467 times)


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Re: Message Board
« Reply #4 on: 18 May, 2024, 11:51:08 AM »
Yes, Pam, MB posts are certainly few and far between these days - dare I say everyone moved on during the Covid lockdowns (I know we certainly did - it was a case of moving on or "dying in the ditch", to coin a phrase). And now life goes on in different ways for many of us...
The big question post-covid is whether you and those who can make things happen (Lee and Poul) want to keep the website (and MB?) going or not? And the answer is definitely in your hands, so I'll leave it there - except for one suggestion if I may:
You talk about forgetting passwords and then tell us you have more IT-related devices than some computer shops! Dare I say that perhaps the two are linked, and if you were to rationalise your devices (maybe down to 1 PC, 1 tablet and 1 phone), you might find it much easier to remember your passwords, especially if you do what many others do and base them all on a common theme, eg HowNowBrownCow@#$123, and the next one being HowNowBlueCow@#$456, and so on.
Just a thought...


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Re: Message Board
« Reply #3 on: 14 May, 2024, 01:05:41 PM »
It is a pity that when I have finally understood the MB that there is no one posting anything!!!  I was gutted to find that no one has joined in my birthday thread - but then I suppose it was pretty boring and parochial. 

Having the same old bother with passwords and now the passkey for my iPhone.  If you try to enter the wrong passkey ten times it locks the phone.  I know have the message "iPhone unavailable" and for some reason I can't get WhatsApp.  I have had to dig out an ex phone to use until I can get to a phone person.

I now have 4 computers, 2 laptops, an iMac and an all in one PC (this one I passed to my grandson number two but he got fed up of it so I am going to get it in to service again.

Best Wishes

Pam aka champion password forgetter


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Re: Message Board
« Reply #2 on: 12 May, 2024, 03:49:44 AM »
That's good news, Pam - let's hope a few more "oldies" get the same idea!


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Message Board
« Reply #1 on: 08 May, 2024, 03:13:47 PM »
I am finding it a little easier to navigate the MB so I will log in every day I think.