Author Topic: House Prices risen during pandemic in Australia.  (Read 5430 times)

Outback Traveller

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Re: House Prices risen during pandemic in Australia.
« Reply #7 on: 06 October, 2021, 11:42:31 PM »
There's a rule of thumb in real estate - if your place has shot up in value - the once cheaper alternatives ain't so cheap anymore either... Price of houses and apartments suburban Melbourne have sky-rocketed - median is around $1 million now. Homes in country areas, once a much cheaper alternative, have risen exponentially as budget-minded buyers have been forced to 'look out of town' for somewhere more affordable.

Mr. and Mrs. Public have more chance of getting back into Oz from overseas, than trying to get into Queensland or Western Australia from New South Wales or Victoria. Double-vaxed and Covid free tests make no difference. If you come from Vic or NSW, forget it  ;)


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Re: House Prices risen during pandemic in Australia.
« Reply #6 on: 05 October, 2021, 03:42:09 AM »
Not sure which post on this "house prices" thread I'm replying too, but thought I'd mention some good news for us. We've been stuck in Vietnam for more than 18 months now, thanks to Scumbag's border restrictions (for everyone except his mates, celebrities, and "elite" sportspeople!). But a mate is buying an apartment in the same block as ours in Chatswood (Sydney) and the price is double what we paid for ours, which means we can sell when we go back and move to a bigger place in a cheaper suburb if we've managed to get a visa for our niece Sunny (we're legal guardians in Vietnam but doesn't yet apply downunder - lots more rules down there!).


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Re: House Prices risen during pandemic in Australia.
« Reply #5 on: 24 August, 2021, 01:10:10 PM »
With regard to my post about 800 migrants arriving in one day....   I have no problem with welcoming the poor frightened Afghans.  What it must be like to know you will live in Taliban's version of Sharia law.. Women will be OK if they obey Sharia law... what the heck will that be like.  I would like to research and see what it entails.  I think the UK is taking 20k but this is over 5 years I think.  Councils have to be able to prepare accommodation etc.,  schools will have to be got ready.    :-[

Outback Traveller

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Re: House Prices risen during pandemic in Australia.
« Reply #4 on: 24 August, 2021, 03:02:26 AM »
Looks like we're the only two on here, Pam.
Well, September's reunion is screwed now, too. Widening outbreak of Delta in NSW and here is bad news for potential travel. Understand that Canberra is also under lockdown. is the UK still allowing international flights in?


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Re: House Prices risen during pandemic in Australia.
« Reply #3 on: 18 August, 2021, 03:50:31 PM »
Sorry you are missing reunions but surely it will all be over soon.  I am hoping to see Simon at Christmas, in fact he is going to book to fly on the lovely Singapore Airline.  I flew with them once and it was lovely, but 13 hours is a bit too long to be in the skies.

Are we the only ones who come on here or is everyone busy?  Must see if I can persuade Ernie to come on.

Outback Traveller

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Re: House Prices risen during pandemic in Australia.
« Reply #2 on: 14 July, 2021, 11:56:16 PM »
Hi Pam
Not just Sydney and Perth. House prices in metro Melbourne have skyrocketed. The median is now $1 Million plus. Country house prices have also 'gone thru the roof' as people seek to move away from suburban Covid-19 lockdowns. Experts have put the price-rises down to record low interest rates. And they predict that many folks who've borrowed excessively, risk certain mortgage foreclosure when interest rates do rise again - and they most certainly will. Thanks to this year's Covid-19 State Border closures, I've already missed two out of three national Army reunions. The third - my Vietnam Battalion's final national reunion in Canberra, in September, is also under threat from the latest outbreak in NSW. So, my fingers are firmly crossed.


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House Prices risen during pandemic in Australia.
« Reply #1 on: 14 July, 2021, 11:45:16 AM »
I hear on the BBC World Service that house prices in Sydney and Perth have risen enormously during this pandemic.  Also inflation is a problem in the US.  Not sure what has happened here except booing at the the Euro football match and the general racism being experienced by young black English players.  I was going to message Steve and ask who he was voting for in the Denmark/England game.

Why can't this MB be as busy as the last one we had?  It is so hard work! :-\