Author Topic: Gas Price Increase  (Read 4903 times)


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Re: Gas Price Increase
« Reply #4 on: 08 November, 2021, 03:45:54 AM »
We've just emerged from 4-5 months of hard lockdown where we were only allowed to open the front door once a day to reach out and collect the food bags that had been left by police and authorised volunteers. No leaving the house for any other reason. Anyone who got sick had to phone the doctor and hope for the best. A lot of deaths during that time occurred at home because the hospitals became overloaded after just a few days from the Delta variant arriving 27 April (usually only a dozen or so hospital beds per town anyway - none outside the big towns). Ambulances would stop outside houses or shanties, shovel people in and take off again - virtually every day. And then we'd read all the whinging and moaning from snowflake westerners complaining about so-called "lockdowns" in UK, USA, Oz, etc - usually accompanied by photos of people out in the street everywhere! Grrrrrrrr...


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Re: Gas Price Increase
« Reply #3 on: 06 November, 2021, 10:43:01 AM »
YOu can't venture out?  My God that is awful, although I stay in through choice now and only go out in my daughter's car.


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Re: Gas Price Increase
« Reply #2 on: 06 November, 2021, 03:43:54 AM »
Dunno about anyone else downunder, but we've had a six-fold increase in our electricity bill and 3-fold in gas and water - but none are price increases per se. The Oz welfare folk (Centrelink) said nothing to us but I discovered that they told all utilities that we've been overseas "long enough to get back" and therefore no longer entitled to our usual pensioner rebates! Not sure what criteria they use to decide how long is long enough, but obviously don't include the fact that the airfares are six times higher than pre-pandemic prices and we simply can't meet pre-flight conditions like being fully jabbed (the VN gov't can't afford to buy anywhere near enough vaccine for the 98 million population so rely largely on donations, which are few and far between - and foreigners are understandably not at the top of the list). And we're legal guardians for our niece (Minh Anh, aka Sunny) so can't leave without her - but she's not an Oz citizen and the highway between where we live in Vung Tau and the Oz Consulate visa office in Saigon is still closed down, as is the visa office itself! But even if they opened tomorrow it wouldn't help because Sunny is our niece and therefore not "immediate family" under Oz law and therefore doesn't qualify for a visa under the Oz border lockdown rules. Grrrrrrr............  Oops, think I might have gone off message somewhere - sorry about that!


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Gas Price Increase
« Reply #1 on: 05 November, 2021, 03:00:14 PM »
I just got a terrible shock.  All last winter my energy costs were £70 per month direct debit.  My monthly cost for this winter is £167 per month, and that works out at around £38.50 a week.  That is a lot for one person.  Just wondering if Terry has had an increase.  Have you had a gas hike in price in Australia?? :'(