Author Topic: AGE  (Read 4717 times)


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« Reply #8 on: 05 July, 2022, 11:34:03 AM »
You should be putting all that stuff on the Then & Now page! Come to think of it, maybe we should also start a page for everyone who lent Terry a fiver to buy Capt Morgan - Pam would need a bigger website!!! (just joking!)  ;D

steve iceton

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« Reply #7 on: 02 July, 2022, 05:03:38 PM »
hi terry fancy forgetting meeting me i catterick i lent you a fiver to buy a bottle of capt henry morgans never seen you since  but you remembered i was a brain surgeon i did that for a few years i used to take the brains out of politicians heads before the entered parliament but gave it up nowadays the don't have any brains to  remove . i joined the sigs in 1962 came out 1969 and worked for the post office till my early retirement  in wait for it 1995 luckily  the post office wanted to get rid of the grade i was at there was 5 of us and we snapped their hands off lump sum pension straight away i have now been retired longer than i worked for them i had a few part time jobs till my wife retired then we moved to east yorks escaped to the country  let me know if you get the hoto it was taken at eden camp n. yorks in june royal sigs reunion .you can now bore me with your life since mallaca stay safe icey

Terry W

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« Reply #6 on: 02 July, 2022, 11:27:53 AM »
Hello Steve, those days of drinking rum are well over cant stand the smell of the stuff. You have a good memory I dont remember meeting you in Catterick, how long did you serve and what did you do in civvy street besides being a brain surgeon. I am still in touch with Martin via email can give you his email add if toy want. Take care good to here from you, Terry

steve iceton

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« Reply #5 on: 30 June, 2022, 05:40:57 PM »
hi terry are you sure the falls arnt due to the old captain henry morgan rum you used to guzzle by the bottle you dick mills wardy and others i think the last time i saw you was at catterick i had just been demobbed and you were on your way to sharjah while i was in baor i met up with SGT martin bienenue remember him you and him were cipher clerks . i am still looking for ways to put my photos on the site but great to hear from scouse and you stay safe and well icey


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« Reply #4 on: 16 May, 2022, 11:08:29 AM »
Good to hear you're avoiding the plague, Terry - and Fran; well done both of you! We've endured commie-inspired lockdowns on and off for the past more than two years - barbed wire surrounding houses was a common sight - only for me to catch Covid no more than a few days after landing in Sydney: unbelievable in a so-called advanced (intelligent) civilisation! My back and kidney areas are now sources of constant pain and we don't know whether it's damage caused by Covid or some other source (the GP says "torn muscle" but it seriously feels more like kidney problems than muscle, but then I'm no doctor...) - but life goes on and I'll at least get out of here on Thursday (6 consecutive neg RAT results so far since Covid found someone else to maul) and back to Vietnam where they might not have much money but they've got a helluva lot more understanding of self-preservation than any of the maskless wonders in Sydney, and I'll feel much safer walking around between the massage and acupuncture appointments that Linh and Sunny are busily booking for me (assuming I can still walk, because I certainly won't be able to ride the bike for a long time yet) - happy days!
Dunno if Arsenal will make it into the top 4, but they've got more chance of that than LFC have of finishing 1st, more's the pity. Still, we shouldn't be greedy - and at least it's the blue Manchester team on top, not that other mob of misfits!
Linh says "Hi" to you both and wonders where JK and Babs have got to - any idea?

Terry W

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« Reply #3 on: 11 May, 2022, 12:08:03 PM »
Hello Scouse, I have not had covid so far neither has my wife although many friends and relatives have. We have both had our fourth vaccine and we still wear the dreaded mask when in crowed places, ie supermarkets but notice that fewer and fewer people are. Went up to London (Ealing) for Easter were my daughter now lives and noticed a lot more people wearing masks but most were elderly. My daughter works for a film making company and has traveled to Spain, Portugal, Italy and even Iceland and she says that it is mainly the elderly in these countries that wear masks. So it appears that in Eurpoe at least that governments have relaxed their rules and are learning to live with covid  and treating it like flu. It appears that to keep covid at bay is to get as many of the population vaccinated as possible. The dreaded Spurs did not do Liverpool any favours , drawing  one all. Arsenal play Spurs Thursday night and of course I am hoping for a win so that Arsenal can consolidate 4th place, could even get third !! Stay safe love to Linh, Terry


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« Reply #2 on: 11 May, 2022, 01:35:23 AM »
Be careful you don't catch Covid then, Terry - I caught a dose just days after coming back to Oz end-April to fix a few things that were left by the wayside during the past 2+ years we've been stuck in VN by closed borders at both ends (VN and Oz). Everyone has different symptoms, apparently, and I was lucky to just feel ultra-lethargic with chronic diarrhoea and coughing from the lungs but no fever or chills.
But one thing I also noticed, hence this response, was a tendency to overbalance when making sharp turns or climbing/descending stairs. I'll stay close to the walls and anything else I can use to help stay upright(!) at least until my Covid finally disappears (very promising recovery this past week, with the thick red lines on the test-o-meter nearly gone now, thank goodness). But I'll still look for handholds when going up and down stairs at least for a little while - and when I can get back to VN and onto my bike for exercise every day that will hopefully restore balance all round. Maybe you could try pedalling around the hills of Cornwall to help restore your age-induced loss of balance?  ;D ;D ;D

Terry W

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« Reply #1 on: 05 May, 2022, 12:25:29 PM »
Am finding it difficult these days to walk any distance without my lower back causing discomfort. Also am very weary of watching my step in case of a fall, already had 1 fall (no beer) and found it very difficult to regain my feet without assistance, thinking of getting a walking stick ! Not much fun getting old.