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Messages - PamMcD

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
General Discussion / Re: Message Board
« on: 19 August, 2024, 12:30:04 PM »
Morning Martin,

Nice to actually see a message from a living person.  I pop on to see if there is anyone to reply to!  I have stopped emailing Lee. I don't want to be a nuisance!  He told me to send my spreadsheet but now I can't remember why I wanted him to look at it.

Everything is OK, Ernie seems OK and I have been in touch with Alby Simpson.  I wanted Sandy Prince's (Sixsmith's) email address because she may know how Teresa is.  I wanted to find Jim Lucas as well, I was friendly with his ex wife but maybe he won't know where she is.  She did live in Scarborough. Wish I had made more friends amongst the wives or should I say kept in touch with some wive's.

I have only just found out the significance of some women putting a box of OMO washing powder in the window.  OMO meaning Old Man Out, how novel and amusing really.

My cleaner has just left, I have had her nearly a year and it is wonderful.  She is a family friend so it is not like having a stranger in my house.

Sir Kier Starmer doesn't seem to be doing very well.  They are wanting him out already and he is handing out huge wage increases to train drivers who already get 60k a year.  The Docs have not had any pay increases for years so they deserved theirs.  Not sure about teachers, I think they fill the kids up with ideas about gender stuff etc so maybe leave them alone..  Nurses could do with something I think.

Family are OK.  Simon came home for my 85th for 6 weeks because he had no job.  He now has a job so he will be home over Xmas, not his wife, it is too cold for her.  My daughter gets over periodically and I see my other Marsden daughter once a week.  I am very happy on my own and always have been.

Thinks that is all.  As well as the iMac I now have a refurbished MacBook Pro which I love.  Martin (the man who bult the website initially) always told me that if I moved on to Apply I was on my own!!

On that note I will bid you goodbye


General Discussion / Re: Message Board
« on: 05 August, 2024, 02:01:17 PM »
Afternoon All,
Have to try to keep it going.  It is a bit hard to even find somewhere to post a reply.  But I realised that I have to log in in order to reply. 

Nothing much happened to me, nothing every does.  Having a cleaner is delightful and she does other jobs like cutting the grass, hanging clothes out, organising my freezer and fridge, clearing out cupboards and filling in forms.  My God I must be getting stupid.  I can't remember how to do things but I can remember all the details of the John Profumo scandal and the horrific murderer John Reginal Halliday Christie.  My Mum and I waited for the paper to come every morning so we could read all about it.

General Discussion / Re: Message Board
« on: 14 May, 2024, 01:05:41 PM »
It is a pity that when I have finally understood the MB that there is no one posting anything!!!  I was gutted to find that no one has joined in my birthday thread - but then I suppose it was pretty boring and parochial. 

Having the same old bother with passwords and now the passkey for my iPhone.  If you try to enter the wrong passkey ten times it locks the phone.  I know have the message "iPhone unavailable" and for some reason I can't get WhatsApp.  I have had to dig out an ex phone to use until I can get to a phone person.

I now have 4 computers, 2 laptops, an iMac and an all in one PC (this one I passed to my grandson number two but he got fed up of it so I am going to get it in to service again.

Best Wishes

Pam aka champion password forgetter

General Discussion / My Birthday
« on: 08 May, 2024, 03:32:20 PM »
We decided that we would do something different for my 85th.  Simon is home from Singapore.  Rosie is an avid charity/pre loved shop so we decided to get to a posh place to see what they had on offer. Rosie drove us, Me, Simon and Isabel (grandson's girlfriend) and it took just over an hour to get to Harrogate. 

We found it a really lovely town and a very busy one, but it was a bank holiday.  The girls toured the charity shops and I followed but I am not an expert rummager through things on coat hangers.  Simon toured the book shops and things which interested him.  Because I am not really good on my feet I bought a second hand wheel chair.  It wasn't bad except that Rosie nearly tipped me out after only a few yards, but it was better for them to have me not being a drag.

We queued out side Betty's tea shop and it is so lovely inside.  No riff raff in sight.  I was treated to the 30 quid  high tea which was superb.  We were rather concerned when we got the bill and found we had paid a ten quid tip which was not appropriate really.  The girls had something else, they were not going to pay that price for just for a few tiny cakes and sandwiches that one could put into ones mouth in one go!  I liked the atmosphere so maybe it is the Tory in me!

It really beat my 80 treat which was a trip to the Ethiad stadium to watch Man City draw with Huddersfield Town.

Anyway that was details of my lovely day out in a super place in North Yorkshire


General Discussion / Message Board
« on: 08 May, 2024, 03:13:47 PM »
I am finding it a little easier to navigate the MB so I will log in every day I think.

General Discussion / Re: air fryers
« on: 08 May, 2024, 03:11:57 PM »
I have my one airfryer and an electric pressure cooker made by the same people who made my airfryer.  I like them bother but I love bacon and sausages done in AF and stews in my pressure cooker.  People seem to be able to make lovely poached eggs and boiled eggs but I have had no luck.

General Discussion / Re: FACEBOOK SCAMMERS
« on: 08 May, 2024, 03:08:02 PM »
How awful, it is so worrying that they are getting up to all these nasty tricks.  Touch wood nothing like that has happened  to me .... yet!


General Discussion / Re: immigration
« on: 08 May, 2024, 03:05:48 PM »
Yes I wondered that Terry.  A few years ago the Vietnamese were the largest group to come to our shores but they are now coming again in large numbers.  The Albanians have been stopped by their own government, after a request from our government.


General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent
« on: 26 April, 2024, 12:19:20 PM »
Actually Martin, I have not let either of them know. I know it is daft but it might just be the last straw regards their their patience with stuff that inevitably goes wrong when I get involved in things.  Simon (son) is home and he has sorted some things out for me.  I am lying low now for awhile and planning my 85th birthday goings on, which includes a meal out some charity shop shopping in some posh place like Harrogate.  I got a second hand wheel chair to accompany me on the trip.

General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent - Not Now!!
« on: 16 April, 2024, 12:17:44 PM »
Afternoon All

I have decided to keep Shtum about my computer trouble because I dig my own grave most of the time.  I am thinking of going with my Microsoft account and change the email address slightly. I used to love Microsoft Outlook but that is long since gone, it was perfect for my needs.  I could the internet for something similar and that I might do.  At the moment I have my son here from Singapore but he us often too busy to attend to me needs - unless I absolutely insist. 

Thanks to Martin and Lee for their help and patience. Someone has told me that spreadsheets are easy when you go on You tube but I am not so sure.  So Lee, maybe I might send my spreadsheet to you every few months if there is anything wrong.

I am closing my account which I am about to do and hope that they may be able to export any emails over to me.

Support the website please and especially the Message Board,


Pam McD  :)

General Discussion / Re: Rather Urgent
« on: 09 April, 2024, 11:29:21 AM »
Thanks for replying.  Poul will be a busy chap and I don't think he has time to bother with my problems.  I will just wait till a Eureka moment hits me, you never know! 

I will keep in touch because that is what it is all about.

General Discussion / Rather Urgent
« on: 03 April, 2024, 01:07:31 PM »
I have got myself in to a real pickle,  and it is entirely of my making.  I dig myself in deeper and deeper every time and I need help.  I will try to explain.

My sister gave me a ten year old iMac and eventually I have it up an nearly running.  But my downfall is due to passwords. I sorted out my Apple ID which is the same, obviously, as my iPad and iPhone.  No problem there then, but for some reason Apple want a password for my email address.  I don't know it. I should have used Gmail because I have no intention of having email on this apple computer.  It is just for me to play on in my old age and to keep my ageing brain sort of active.  I can't knit any more due to arthritis and I have no idea how to crochet so I keep going on my computers. 

I asked Poul to give me a new password for my webmail which I think he will have done to keep the old girl quiet.  What he didn't know was that I had already changed the password to something else.  When I went on to access my webmail I couldn't because my password was not accepted.

The chat facility on obviously didn't understand what I was talking about and they gave me instructions to go on and change my password but I have to know the CORRECT password in order to actually go on to

I don't really know what anyone of you can do to help

General Discussion / Re: Message Posting by 208 People
« on: 04 September, 2023, 11:19:58 AM »
Not quite au fait with things Martin.  Is this the GB so where do I find this quuestion?

General Discussion / Re: Message Posting by 208 People
« on: 30 August, 2023, 01:48:34 PM »
The chap christened Legs Maguire byt the boys of 208 was an Aussie and goodness me he will be around 80 now. 

General Discussion / Re: Message Posting by 208 People
« on: 21 August, 2023, 06:54:15 PM »
I love to remember things, not the horrid boozy nights when Sam had to be carried in, absolutely unconcious.  Awful!

I miss Tony Ratcliffe, he remembered every thing that we did and conversations and who was goid and wh was not so good.  It was rare that he said anything wrong aboyt anyone but he hated a particular Aussie who the lads christened Legs Maguire.  He liked brown speckled eggs which I saved for times when he ended up at our place on Stevenson. The school kids like theor memories as well, what music was popular, dancing to Shades of Blue.

Anyway enough enough. Things is none of of my era are around on the board and they never were, they seemed reluctant to show thir faces.

See Yah


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